In 2024, we recognize the importance of reducing stress, balancing work and life, and simply trying to worry less. To ease these wants, your place should be calm and filled with easy thoughts. The suggestions below can help bring peaceful energy to your apartment and transform it into a place of rejuvenation. Let's explore practical steps you can take to infuse calmness and serenity into your living space.
Do not underestimate the value of a deep clean inside your apartment. Obvious build-ups, such as a pile of laundry and dishes, can be overwhelming, but messiness in the nooks and crannies of your apartment can cause unpleasant feelings. A clean space to clear your mind can help promote positivity, and the action of cleaning can provide a sense of accomplishment and productivity.
Also, while cleaning up, reflect on your items; your space may have items that do not bring you joy. Removing items associated with painful times, such as photos, trinkets, or clothing, can help clean up your space and mind.
The KonMari Philosophy, which has grown in popularity over the years, focuses on the question, “Does this item spark joy?”. It is designed to inspire and help you find what you need in your space.
After focusing on a deep cleaning of your home, notice if the airflow is optimized. Check if any large furniture is blocking ventilation and/or windows. Letting air circulate and adding greenery can benefit your health by getting rid of moisture, contaminants, odors, and more while helping clear the brain. Incorporating an air purifier and allowing air to flow can help eliminate unwanted elements and reduce stress by lowering cortisol levels.
The minimalist, neutral colors trend is in and can help with the simplicity of a clean home, but adding certain colors and soft materials can help inspire your space too. Color psychology recognizes colors can bring different energies into your apartment.
Going back to the KonMari Philosophy, if an art piece brings joy to you, hang it up and allow it to radiate its energy. Besides just art pieces, adding color can be easy through curtains, blankets, and other non-traditional art pieces. Including textures through these items can create the peaceful environment you’re striving for. Refreshing your home with soft blankets and pillows or rugs can help take away the rough hard edges throughout your space.
It’s important to create separation between life, work, and school within your apartment. Allowing certain spaces to focus on the quiet and busy moments in your life can help prioritize your mental health. Consider a room’s role, such as the bedroom for relaxation and the kitchen for cooking and school work. By designating certain areas in your home for specific activities, you can move around with ease and avoid being distracted while working or studying.
On top of recognizing your room’s role, organize the space correctly. Make sure to scale your rooms correctly and avoid overcrowding or having furniture and accessories that are too small. Prioritize which items you use
daily over those used rarely.
The final suggestion to create a peaceful environment in your apartment is to turn on music and light a candle. Adding music is simple but easily forgotten. Music can increase dopamine, reduce anxiety, help focus, and bring a smile to your face. Also, having a pleasant aroma through candles or oil diffusers can bring you to your happy place through a familiar nice scent.
Here at Hunziker Property Management, we offer over 1,000 units around Ames and
Ankeny. No matter what type of rental you’re looking for to create your next peaceful place, we’ve got you covered. We provide peace of mind to all our tenants by promptly responding to maintenance requests and noise disturbances. We recognize the importance of having a safe apartment.
Call or email today to get connected with a member of our team!